Fairy Meadow Demonstration School

Delivering Excellence, Success and Opportunity

Telephone02 4284 2009


Positive behaviour for learning

Parent Tip 1: What is online bullying?

Online bullying includes all communication that seeks to threaten, humiliate, intimidate, control or put other people down.

Online bullying is an intentional, repeated behaviour by an individual or group to cause distress using technology.

Young people are less likely to tell an adult about online bullying if they think that, as a result, their access to technology will be limited.

Parent Tip 2: Safe Play in the Playground

In classrooms this week children are being reminded about the rules of safe play in the playground. If you could also have this discussion with you students at home it would be appreciated.

Quad Area

  • Walk
  • Be aware of others playing
  • Play appropriate games
  • Sit on the seats
  • Return equipment on time
  • Care for other people & property

West Playground

  • Use appropriate equipment at all times
  • Be aware of other peoples playing space
  • Play in the eastern playground if you are in K-2
  • Play in the western playground if you are in 3-6
  • Keep feet on ground
  • Follow the rules of the game
  • Return equipment on time